Announcing Our Chosen Charity for 2022 | Alzheimer’s Society

Like lots of business at the start of the year, we are deep into developing our yearly sales and marketing strategies, but this year we’re also organising quizzes, auctions, and competitions to support raising money for our 2022 chosen charity, The Alzheimer’s Society.

We know there are so many worthy charities and given we’re in year three of a pandemic picking just the Alzheimer’s Society was never going to be an easy task. However, we wanted to choose a charity with a solid link to the business, and The Alzheimer’s Society certainly fits the bill.

Lawrence Plamer, Sales Manager at DMMP, explains the connection, “Dementia is one of the UK’s biggest killers, and it strikes a personal chord with many of us at DMMP.

Our director’s father, David Palmer, died of complications resulting from Alzheimer’s and the disease is heavily linked to our family genetics.

My grandpa likely struggled for many years before the official diagnosis. As a result, we’re keen to offers support for all sufferers of dementia

Similarly, there is a high cost to the relatives linked to someone with Dementia. For example, his wife of 56 years cared for him until his death, and the whole family was involved in making decisions that took away his freedoms to keep him safe.

Luckily Grandpa had plenty of loved ones around him, but we know not everyone is in this position.

We want to support The Alzheimer’s Society as it not only funds research but also provides hands on support to sufferers and education to the wider community.”

The Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. They campaign for change, fund research to find a cure and support people living with Dementia today. We’re proud to support this worthy charity to help make a change. You can find out more about them here:

Keep an eye out for information on the fundraising activities we will be doing over the next year, as it will be great to have as much support along the way as we can get!

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